-Release: June 22, 2012, renewed for second season
-Comedy, 15 mins.
Ladies and gentleman, the perfect Disney Channel show or Nick show will never happen, simply because Logan is still running. The show has pure comedy with some intakes of drama, as well. The actors are flawless and don't miss a thing! Nickelodeon should have picked up this show a long time ago, and they would have hit a home run against Disney, but even with Vise Versa, I just want to see this on T.V., rather than YouTube. Mario Azabo plays the role of the lead "Logan Young" and does, a significantly amazing job as the hilarious tween, while Jessie Wilson plays the more protective "Olivia Martinez." That's only in the first season. This show takes it to a whole other level with season two, as it only gets better. In season two, you get introduced to new characters, while other characters say goodbye. Jessie Wilson & Jaelyn Kennedy no longer have any parts in season two, while other characters like Caroline Lockwood, Pameila Hanes, Alexandra Lane and Mason Devon enter the show and make it even better than it already was. The show got a 7.7 on IMDb, higher than any Disney or Nick children's comedy sitcom. On YouTube, the show earns about 100 of their viewers, while on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter it earns about 400. This show centers around Logan Young, a middle schooler dealing with everyday troubles, as a teen would, but of course survives with his friends (Season 1 & 2 characters.) The show had been renewed for 10 episodes of Season 2, while Season 1 only had 7. The finale of season 1 can only be found on Twitter, as it was very exclusive according to season 1 director, Janice Raymond. Janice Raymond stepped down as director in season two and Jaelyn Kennedy stepped down as producer, while Mario Azabo took over both jobs. Nominated for 2 online-comedy awards, the show has progressed very much so, with better quality and finally having multi-camera editing. Of-course this is a children's show, and relationships was not the main thing to be seen, but in season two, Logan grows older and so does the whole cast and even the show, with it's older audience, they would of course like to see some romance, stirring up, at least. The fans get a romance stirring up with Alexandra Lane (Larsa Nissou) because she's obviously a hopeless romantic. The only episodes out now, are Season 2's first episode (A Halloween Special) and the second episode has been confirmed to be called "Transformation." The season was supposed to end in late April, early May, but according to actors, the show's production has been postponed. Best of luck to all the cast & crew of this show, and hopefully they maintain their 7.7 rating and not become like those Disney/Nickelodeon shows.
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