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Sunday, February 17, 2013 | 0 comments

-Release: June 22, 2012, renewed for second season
-Comedy, 15 mins.

Ladies and gentleman, the perfect Disney Channel show or Nick show will never happen, simply because Logan is still running. The show has pure comedy with some intakes of drama, as well. The actors are flawless and don't miss a thing! Nickelodeon should have picked up this show a long time ago, and they would have hit a home run against Disney, but even with Vise Versa, I just want to see this on T.V., rather than YouTube. Mario Azabo plays the role of the lead "Logan Young" and does, a significantly amazing job as the hilarious tween, while Jessie Wilson plays the more protective "Olivia Martinez." That's only in the first season. This show takes it to a whole other level with season two, as it only gets better. In season two, you get introduced to new characters, while other characters say goodbye. Jessie Wilson & Jaelyn Kennedy no longer have any parts in season two, while other characters like Caroline Lockwood, Pameila Hanes, Alexandra Lane and Mason Devon enter the show and make it even better than it already was. The show got a 7.7 on IMDb, higher than any Disney or Nick children's comedy sitcom. On YouTube, the show earns about 100 of their viewers, while on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter it earns about 400. This show centers around Logan Young, a middle schooler dealing with everyday troubles, as a teen would, but of course survives with his friends (Season 1 & 2 characters.) The show had been renewed for 10 episodes of Season 2, while Season 1 only had 7. The finale of season 1 can only be found on Twitter, as it was very exclusive according to season 1 director, Janice Raymond. Janice Raymond stepped down as director in season two and Jaelyn Kennedy stepped down as producer, while Mario Azabo took over both jobs. Nominated for 2 online-comedy awards, the show has progressed very much so, with better quality and finally having multi-camera editing. Of-course this is a children's show, and relationships was not the main thing to be seen, but in season two, Logan grows older and so does the whole cast and even the show, with it's older audience, they would of course like to see some romance, stirring up, at least. The fans get a romance stirring up with Alexandra Lane (Larsa Nissou) because she's obviously a hopeless romantic. The only episodes out now, are Season 2's first episode (A Halloween Special) and the second episode has been confirmed to be called "Transformation." The season was supposed to end in late April, early May, but according to actors, the show's production has been postponed. Best of luck to all the cast & crew of this show, and hopefully they maintain their 7.7 rating and not become like those Disney/Nickelodeon shows.

Release: February 1, 2013, Netflix. 
Drama, 52 minutes, 13 episodes. Renewed for another season. 

'Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the future. And I do not mean that this is a science fiction series, but the way they are produced and distributed many series in the future can be portrayed here. In fact, you can even llamárselas "soap opera" or "television series," because there are TV channels which broadcast them for the first time, but can be viewed directly online, without any intermediary. 'House of Cards' was not shot by any traditional chain, but for Netflix, a portal of "streaming" movies, the February 1, 2013 made ​​available to its customers the entire series, the thirteen episodes, the time. So every viewer will see it at the pace that is able and willing. Immediately, the net is full of articles discussing the future possibilities that opens such a distribution system: is it necessary to continue producing sets of 13 or 22 episodes, number simply reflects the number of weeks in a quarter or a season American television? Should follow each episode lasting 42 minutes? Some even said that in the future could be a single video of several hours' duration, each viewer can pause when it suits you, like closing a book or newspaper. What this system will change viewing habits? Will there be many people who will wait to see the new series when available and, rather than wait forever (seven days no less) for the next episode (many people now devotes weekends to devour an entire season of a series that I had not seen so far)? Do you end up false expectations generated by the pilot episode, the network can hang several at a time, so you can get a better idea (in fact, right now chains critics often send several episodes of the industry once in advance, so they can be better able reseñarla)? The possibilities now are extraordinary. Another one, of course, is that so much easier for pages that host this series to know exactly what each user sees, when, how often, how many breaks and how comments and ratings. This information will in turn give each member for suggestions on other things to see or to know what new project to produce in the future. A few years ago Netflix had a bounty of one million dollars offered to whoever was able to design an algorithm that improves the already had to do this type of data collection and offering suggestions to customers, and if it is offered a similar for legal reasons. Some of this has to do with the series that deal (which all this we have not yet discussed) is a version of a British series of 1990 on political conspiracies, produced by David Fincher (director of major blockbusters as 'Seven', 'The Fight Club', 'The Social Network' or 'Zodiac') and starring Keyzer Soze and The Princess Bride (ie, Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright). Both the theme and inspiration as the characters (at least Spacey, two-time Oscar winner), left the digital lab suggestions among the most valued and seen for Netflix users. As seen, one of the risks of this plan is that the end result will be abused manicure, too polished and perfect, with no possibility of failure. It does not seem the case in this series, but somehow things are very predictable. Spacey, for example, making Machiavellian "whip" of the U.S. Democratic Party, ruthlessly seeking personal gain and the ruin of his opponents, including victories turning into some unexpected defeats is worth seeing, but also announced from the beginning.Next to it is among others a mixture wife Lady MacBeth and upper-class philanthropist, a reporter who left the paper in blogosphere dying and a young congressman, with alcohol and drug past and promises to keep its working-class voters . With them and with others, Congressman Francis Underwood (perhaps his name evokes "underworld", underworld, or things done "under wood"?) Carefully built their houses of cards, that can collapse in an instant ("only need ten minutes to ruin his life someone ", even says in one of his many monologues to camera) or solidified high up to its constructor. He lies, manipulates and moves relentlessly base and address the viewer, he shares all of how to do it step by step. Interpretations and photography are clearly set label "Emmy candidates", and in general the entire project comes to announce that, as Columbus in 1492, it has discovered a new route between two worlds, in this case the creators and the public. And also like Columbus, were certainly not the first to do it (Netflix streaming already premiered in another series, 'Lilyhammer' retired Italian-American mobster on a Norway, as it sounds), but which gave the company with a wealth of equipaminto and alerted everyone about it. The word now is of the conquerors of the territory.

Release: January 11, 2013, Cinemax. 
Drama, 60 minutes

 Cinemax channel is directed more towards programming asses and tits that years ago he found a series of military action, 'Strike Back', which was supposed to only have to add a few shots and explosions to asses and tits, but ended up leaving not bad at all in terms of script. Seeing that any channel today, whatever that involved (music, reality TV, public service, whatever) gets to try to create own stamps drama series, Cinemax takes a step toward the strange with this project on a prisoner newly released just posing as the new sheriff in town of Banshee, Pennsylvania. It's not a comedy, despite the premise, nor is it horror or supernatural creatures despite the title (and despite having one of those responsible for 'True Blood' Alan Ball, as a producer), but a drama black theater style, with their hidden loot, their fistfights and shootouts with rather graphic scenes of violence and a pair of tits now and again, but with quirky characters. Banshee is a mafioso In Amish (as it sounds), a police station in an old Cadillac dealership and a barber / hacker Asian transsexual who is the best of the deal. This distribution in turn is somewhat mixed bag, with a Dane, a Bosnian and a New Zealander in three of the lead roles, making all Americans. For now, more rare than anything else, but not become so much to make this a banner style Coen brothers, for example.

-Release: January 14, 2013, The CW. 
Drama, 42 minutes. 

-1984. Carrie Bradshaw, the future commentator on sex in New York from his column 'Sex and the City' is 15, a virgin, do not smoke or drink and live in Connecticut. So, it is not yet maleada for the Big Apple and the Panthers as Samantha, the comehombres will be one of his trio of friends 14 years later (yes, people, SENY premiered in 1998. How time flies). The prequel to the series, created by the same author as the original, Candace Bushnell, has several important differences from its predecessor. Apart from being located decade and a half before the new one is a drama of 42 minutes per episode instead of a comedy of 30, is made ​​by The CW youthful rather than HBO's very mature, and has a more close to own teen movies of the 80 groundbreaking sarcasm that only a pay channel can afford: Carrie away to present as a precocious slut, at least initially see it as a rather pretty village lass that gradually raising will shell.Another difference is that Carrie Young had apparently racially diverse friends, including one Eastern and one black. In the future will only white women that despite all their pickups have never seen an uncircumcised foreskin (there's a whole episode dedicated to it). Furthermore, while SENY (SATC) was set in the same time that was being shot (the millennium), TCD goes back almost three decades. See series and films set in the 80s and later shot is a joy, because they often have a soundtrack that is the cane (in fact almost always better than the films themselves made ​​at that time, probably because of copyright issues ).Here you hear every bit of Madonna, another Depeche Mode, Cyndi Lauper another, another New Order ...Even with Kenny Loggins 'Footloose'. I just want to find one of their 'Now!' old and put in the cassette.Regarding history, it is still an adolescent fantasy. Certainly, Carrie's mother just died of cancer, but in return, a new kid comes to institutional guapetón announcement that immediately goes right for her, her father looking for a gigs of a law intern in Manhattan (repeat , at 16 cleats barely made ​​yet), and when you go for Nuevayol tienduquis an English model and also sees her at her garment so fresh, so innocent and so own style of wearing a designer handbag desfarrapao . It's the fantasy that many teens want now: someone "discover them" without the least effort, because they are worth it, while out shopping or at the beach, and take out of that thing so boring to study and make them dress and undress and go to parties and drink champagne from the bottle. Carrie reacts to this with some restraint, putting full voiceover and image of cute giving sensitive and brain, but all this dream remains a dream away from gigs hard, underpaid and slowly wrought that touches other mortals. Carrie In the original series has no family, and all that is said is that the father runs fled leaving her and her mother (as seen, another tragedy in real life, in fiction design, stronger to the protagonist). Here Carrie has a father and sister who gives the Gothic-madonnero-likeavirgin and the fight that his mother bags. In line with which to me at least I find it somewhat disturbing to reflect how much Carrie misses her mother, remembering when it was made ​​of rags with it before starting the course. Hearing this, his father responds by opening the large dressing of the mother, who had been forbidden since his death. When the father offers to go with her ​​buddy, Carrie says no, you have to be a mom. Perhaps all this is a symbol of grief and loss and things in common, but is so attached to material things get a little juju, and still more by the ease with which it is done. But anyway, this may be too philosophizing . Is The CW, we have 15 years, wanted to paint us the hills, we the good guys despinten and the pay other parties. This is what's next. And to revive the synthesizers. Girls just wanna have fun.

-Release: January 17, 2013, FX 
-Comedy, 22 minutes. 

'With' Louie 'and' Wilfred 'FX channel is becoming a hallmark of comedy far from the "sitcom" canned laughter for twenty minutes, in which the politically incorrect, stepping beyond the stripe and humor to laugh not to mourn are the source comic. 'Legit' has in common with the first being led by a comedian who plays a fictionalized version of himself, with invented characters and situations, and the second where the protagonist is Australian, in this case Jim Jefferies. An example of the type of humor in this series is the plot of the pilot episode, which is carrying a disabled 32 year old with muscular dystrophy to lose their virginity at a brothel. Just to get an idea like that, some people think of the amount of political correctness mines that may explode under the feet, while others would be fascinated by the idea. Jim is the latter, a tactless one drunkard who spends the episode being tiresome and unbearable until suddenly creates a tender moment suggesting that it is not as bad people. And then goes and pukes at the end, again as it was, so it is not too mellifluous. For example, when you notice that people admired for caring for the disabled, rather than being satisfied with your good work, thinks to himself how much he's going to fuck. Do wrong things for something right or wrong right on the ground is one of the reasons comic series.Methadone can assert until you 'Louie' of his sabbatical.
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